About Us
What is Rotary?
Rotary is an International Service Organisation to bring together people from all nationalities and backgrounds to promote humanitarian service, peace and goodwill around the world.
Rotarians are ordinary people who do extraordinary things and take action to create lasting change for less fortunate people, locally, nationally and internationally. Rotarians help make things happen.
Rotary's Motto is:

Wolstanton and Stoke-On-Trent Tree of Light presentation (16th March 2023)


At Newcastle Rugby Club President David Burke of Wolstanton Rotary club presented a cheque to Catherine Cook from the Peter Pan Centre, for children with Special Needs.
The proceeds were from Rotary The Tree of Light @Trentham Gardens during Nov/Dec 2021
Well done to the Rotary Clubs of Wolstanton and Stoke on Trent.
Last week at Newcastle Rugby Club President Denise Powell of the Rotary Club of Stoke on Trent presented a cheque to Jo Bailey & Hannah Justice from Midlands Air Ambulance
The proceeds are from the
Rotary The Tree of Light @ Trentham Gardens During Nov/Dec 2021.
Well done to Rotary Clubs of Stoke on Trent and Wolstanton